Our philosophy

We understand tax consultancy as a service where quality, commitment and trust must be of central importance. The satisfaction of our clients is our primary objective. Therefore, it is one of our ambitious aims to be MORE for our clients than only an expert in tax matters. Our aspiration is to provide our clients with excellent integrated and customised consultancy.

Entrepreneurs and self-employed

  • We offer a consultancy service tailored to your needs, always taking into account all tax possibilities, but all part of an integrated solution.
  • The primary focus of our work is your personal success, ensuring the liquidity and profitability of your company and its strength as a going concern. To achieve this, we support you with help and advice.
  • In addition to classic tax consultancy, the strategic orientation of your decisions is the most important component of our consulting services. This results in comprehensive support and a variety of tax options, which in turn produces optimal implementation and satisfaction for all parties involved.
  • What we aspire to is continuous and trustful dialogue with you. You have our word for it.

Private clients

  • The essential parameters - quality, personal approach and reliability - define the relationship between our clients and us.
  • Our consultancy is individually tailored to your situation to exploit the maximum tax saving.
  • Evidence of our flexibility is individualised appointment arrangements. At your home? With pleasure!
  • Your trust is our motivation.

„The tax law is that complicated and inscrutable as fog with visibility below 50 m.”
Heinrich List, ehem. Präsident des BFH